Decision Records

Decision Records

June 2023

  1. pdf 20230502 DR.2023.023 DR Skills Bootcamp Award of Contracts (£530k) - Officer Non-Key (282Kb)
  2. pdf 20230605 ADMPI.A.2023.108 DR LUF Grant Award to Bud Proporties Ltd (£83k) Officer Non-Key (362Kb)
  3. pdf 20230606 HR2023-03 DR Contract to Research in Practice (£26kpa) Officer Non-Key (377Kb)
  4. pdf 20230606 HR2023-03 DR xAPPX Contract to Research in Practice (£26kpa) Officer Non-Key (214Kb)
  5. pdf 20230607 MR-017-2023 DR Leaders Contingency Avenues Capital-Revenue Swap 9£5k) Leader Non-Key (356Kb)
  6. pdf 20230607 MR-025-2023 DR Bus Lane Operating Time Consultation - Leader Non-Key (357Kb)
  7. pdf 20230607 MR-025-2023 DR REPORT Bus Lane Operating Time Consultation - Leader Non-Key (428Kb)
  8. pdf 20230607 MR-025-2023 DR REPORT xAPPX A1 Bus Lane Operating Time Consultation - Leader Non-Key (3795Kb)
  9. pdf 20230607 MR-025-2023 DR REPORT xAPPX A2 Bus Lane Operating Time Consultation - Leader Non-Key (4032Kb)
  10. pdf 20230607 MR-025-2023 DR REPORT xAPPX A3 Bus Lane Operating Time Consultation - Leader Non-Key (2694Kb)
  11. pdf 20230607 MR-025-2023 DR REPORT xAPPX A4 Bus Lane Operating Time Consultation - Leader Non-Key (1501Kb)
  12. pdf 20230607 MR-025-2023 DR REPORT xAPPX A5 Bus Lane Operating Time Consultation - Leader Non-Key (4500Kb)
  13. pdf 20230607 MR-025-2023 DR REPORT xAPPX A6 Bus Lane Operating Time Consultation - Leader Non-Key (2768Kb)
  14. pdf 20230607 MR-025-2023 DR REPORT xAPPX A7 Bus Lane Operating Time Consultation - Leader Non-Key (2189Kb)
  15. pdf 20230607 MR-025-2023 DR REPORT xAPPX A8 Bus Lane Operating Time Consultation - Leader Non-Key (1759Kb)
  16. pdf 20230607 MR-025-2023 DR REPORT xAPPX A9 Bus Lane Operating Time Consultation - Leader Non-Key (843Kb)
  17. pdf 20230607 MR-025-2023 DR REPORT xAPPX B Bus Lane Operating Time Consultation Appendix B (116Kb)
  18. pdf 20230608 ADMPI-A-2023-113 DR Traffic Island Installation Baker-Wright St (£109k) Officer Non-Key (340Kb)
  19. 20230608 ADMPI-A-2023-113 DR xAPPX A EXEMPT Traffic Island Installation Baker-Wright St (£109k) Officer Non-Key
    • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information);
    - Exempt
  20. pdf 20230608 ADMPI-A-2023-113 DR xAPPX B1 Traffic Island Installation Baker-Wright St (£109k) Officer Non-Key (540Kb)
  21. pdf 20230608 ADMPI-A-2023-113 DR xAPPX B2 Traffic Island Installation Baker-Wright St (£109k) Officer Non-Key (619Kb)
  22. pdf 20230608 ADMPI-A-2023-113 DR xAPPX B3 Traffic Island Installation Baker-Wright St (£109k) Officer Non-Key (652Kb)
  23. pdf 20230608 ADNH-D-2023-6096 DR DFG Scheme Property Adaptation Tender (£71.5k) Officer Non-Key (482Kb)
  24. pdf 20230608 PA-DR-2023-01 DR Contract Award - Demolition of Dales Fitness Centre (£150k) Officer Non-Key (271Kb)
  25. pdf 20230609 ADMPI-A-2023-114 DR LUF Grant Funding Added Value Portal Ltd (£75k) Officer Non-Key (364Kb)
  26. pdf 20230609 ASC-2023-03 DR Community Wellbeing Contract - Approved Suppliers Procurement Officer Non-Key (270Kb)
  27. pdf 20230609 DFIT-2023-012 DR ICT Contract Award Virgin Media (£69k) Officer Non-Key (272Kb)
  28. pdf 20230609 MR-026-2023 DR Priory Park and Ride Bus Service Tender Process (£130k) Leader Non-Key (285Kb)
  29. 20230609 MR-026-2023 DR xAPPX 1 EXEMPT Priory Park and Ride Bus Service Tender Process (£130k) Leader Non-Key
    • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information);
    - Exempt
  30. pdf 20230612 ADR-SS-2023-118 DR Traffic Camera Maintenance Contract (£100kpa) Officer Non-Key (273Kb)
  31. pdf 20230613 ADMPI.A.2023.117 DECISION RECORD.Slurry Sealing Contract Award £275.2k. Officer Non-Key (372Kb)
  32. 20230613 ADMPI.A.2023.117 DR EXEMPT APPENDIX .Slurry Sealing Contract Award £275.2k. Officer Non-Key
    • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information);
    - Exempt
  33. pdf 20230613 ADNH-D-2023-6103 DECISION RECORD Extend provision for refugee employment support to Refugee Council Officer Non-Key (361Kb)
  34. pdf 20230613 MR 030 2023 DECISION RECORD Leader's Contingeny £2.3k to Vista Festival. Leader Non-Key (355Kb)
  35. pdf 20230616 ADMPI-A-2023-123 DECISION RECORD Contract Award Argyle St Resurfacing £75K Officer Non-Key (394Kb)
  36. 20230616 ADMPI-A-2023-123 EXEMPT Appendix A Contract Award Argyle St Resurfacing £75K Officer Non-Key
    • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information);
    - Exempt
  37. pdf 20230616 MR 024 2023 DECISION RECORD External UKSPF funding for Humber Learning Consortium £755k Leader Non-Key (363Kb)
  38. pdf 20230616 MR 031 2023 DECISION RECORD Social Housing Decarbonisation contract £10.7M grant. Leader Non-Key (358Kb)
  39. pdf 20230620 MR 027 2023 DR £1.5k Cap-Rev Swap Central Ward & Leader Contingency - Leader Non-Key (263Kb)
  40. pdf 20230620 MR 032 2023 DR Revised Tenancy Policy - Leader Non-Key (282Kb)
  41. pdf 20230620 MR 032 2023 DRx Appendix Revised Tenancy Policy - Leader Non-Key (594Kb)
  42. pdf 20230622 MR.029.2022 DR West Carr Leader Cap Rev Swap (£5k) - Leader Non-Key (268Kb)
  43. pdf 20230626 ADMPI-A-2023-081 DR Freedom Festival Awakening Sponsorship (£93k) - Officer Non-Key (268Kb)
  44. pdf 20230627 ADMPI-A-2023-128 DR APPX A Parklet Outdoor Seating Contract Award (£100k) Officer Non-Key (281Kb)
  45. pdf 20230627 ADMPI-A-2023-128 Parklet Outdoor Seating Contract Award (£100k) Officer Non-Key (337Kb)
  46. pdf 20230628 DLSP-2023-015 DR Asbestos Contract Awards - Officer Non-Key (291Kb)
  47. pdf 20230628 DLSP-2023-015 DR REPORT Asbestos Contract Awards - Officer Non-Key (317Kb)
  48. 20230628 DLSP-2023-015 DR REPORT xAPPX1 EXEMPT Asbestos Contract Awards - Officer Non-Key
    • Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information);
    - Exempt
  49. pdf 20230630 ADMPI-A-2023-131 DECISION RECORD Community Cycle Hubs Grant Award (£60k) Officer Non-Key (275Kb)

Decision Records

Decision Records are a formal record which informs Councillors and the public of decisions being taken outside of meetings.  Decision Records are published on a regular basis.  

We publish records of a lot of the decisions taken within the Council, for example:
If the decision is being made by a Councillor or an officer outside of a meeting
When we are awarding a contract where the value is between £50,000 and £250,000.
When the decision means that we cannot follow the usual process



We publish all decisions online before they are acted on.

We make sure that all decisions follow the correct process.



We have a commitment to ensure that you know what your Council is doing and what decisions it is making.

All decision records published by the Council under normal procedures are available through the folders below:


You can access useful information, guides and templates through the icons below.

